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WHAT ARE THE ALABAMA STATE GAMES?The Alabama State Games is an annual multi-sport Olympic-style sports festival for the residents of Alabama. An initiative of the ASF Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, the Games event is officially recognized as a United States Olympic Committee State Games Program Participant and is part of a nationwide network of State Games.
WHO CAN COMPETE IN THE ALABAMA STATE GAMES?All Alabama residents, college students and military personnel who have lived in the state of Alabama for at least 30 days prior to the day of competition and meet the specific requirements for their sport of interest may compete. Alabama residents attending college or serving in the military in another state are also eligible to compete. Participants in developing individual sports residing close to a neighboring state line may be eligible to compete. The Alabama State Games reserves the right to accept or restrict individuals and/or teams from competing in the Games for the best interest of the event.
WHEN AND WHERE WILL THE ALABAMA STATE GAMES BE HELD?The Alabama State Games main weekend of events will be held June 9-11, 2023 at various venues throughout the Birmingham area. Some events will be held before or after the main weekend - check each specific sport page for times and dates of each event.
HOW DO I REGISTER?To register for the Alabama State Games, carefully read the information concerning your specific sport of interest. Follow the step-by-step registration instructions and submit by entry deadline. Athletes may compete in any number of sports, yet conflicts in scheduling are the responsibility of the athlete. Make sure to double check each specific sport page for times and dates of each event. Each sport has its own entry fee requirements. Consult the appropriate sport section of our website for entry fee amounts. There will be NO REFUNDS of entry fees because of rain or other acts of nature or if an athlete or team fails to participate. Sports using outdoor sites are weather dependent.
WHAT ARE THE REGISTRATION FEES AND WHAT IS THE REFUND POLICY?Each sport has its own entry fee requirements. Consult the appropriate sport section of our website for entry fee amounts. There will be NO REFUNDS of entry fees because of rain or other acts of nature or if an athlete or team fails to participate. Sports using outdoor sites are weather dependent.
DO I HAVE TO PROVIDE PROOF OF AGE?The coach/participant should have proof-of-age documents on hand at the event site. In case of eligibility disputes, lack of proper documentation may result in disqualification of individual participants and/or team. Make sure to double check each specific sport page for relevant proof of age requirements. Accepted proof-of-age documents include: - Copies of Birth Certificates - Military I.D. - Passport - Driver's License NOTE: Do not mail or hand-deliver any proof-of-age documents keep a digital or physical file on hand during the competition.
DOES THE ALABAMA STATE GAMES PROVIDE HOUSING AND FOOD?Athletes and coaches are responsible for their own food and accommodations throughout their stay. As such, it is up to participants and/or team personnel to review and adhere to the hotel/motel’s cancellation policy. Arrangements have been made with Birmingham and Jefferson Co. area hotels and motels for a special athletic rate for participants in the Alabama State Games. Check out our Hotel page for the Official Hotel Partners list. Please advise the hotel that you are part of the Alabama State Games and wish to receive the special athletic rate.
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